Saturday, July 24, 2010

Joy: 3 Weeks with the Fam

So... after One week of camping in Missouri, One week of visiting my Godmother and cousin up by Lake Superior in Wisconsin, One week of relaxing at home...

Here are a few things that I was reminded of during my time with my family.  I have 7 brothers and sisters (so I'm the second-oldest of eight) and being so far away from them for 6 years has made me feel incredibly distant at times, but when I am home, I eat it up! :) I was especially reminded of them when my best friend from college, Liz, came to visit. She would comment on the things our family did and it made me pause and say, "Yeah. I really like that, too. Thanks for reminding me." :)

1) My mom is so funny. And I mean SUPER HYSTERICAL! The way she tells stories and recounts seemingly simple episodes, complete with accents, motions, and suspenseful pauses is simply amazing. I've missed that. With all the medical problems she's had this year, it's really something that she brings her unique sense of humor to share with those around her.

2) My parents are really affectionate towards each other. People will often tell me how cute it is that they always hold hands, go on walks after dinner, and hug--I guess growing up, I always just thought all parents were like that, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But it's so true! :) And I love it! Even more than the physical contact,  I love the times when they are talking, and you can just tell that whatever the other is saying is THE most important thing for the other. They're really examples of GOOD LISTENERS! 

3) Praying together as a family. I admit it-- growing up, I often wouldn't enjoy praying the family rosary. We would pray it every day as a family, either after dinner or in the car if we had someplace to go that day.  As a kid, it seemed so gosh-darn LOOOONNNNGGGG! (In contrast, I loved when we did the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, because that went so FAST!)  I think I've really missed that.  There is something really special about a family lifestyle that is intentional about putting aside time for prayer together, even if it is not always appreciated. 

4) Eating together. This is one thing that Liz brought to my attention. She had said that she enjoyed eating with my family because people would come in from work, and everyone would share about their day. I guess I always took this for granted.

5)  The amount of stress that my mom places on wellness, recycling, buying local grocery items, using less (especially water and electricity!), and health foods ("Don't even THINK of bringing high fructose corn syrup, MSG, nitrates, aspartame, or hydrogenated oils into this house!").  There's that saying that goes, "Live simply so that others may simply live."-- my mom really embodies this.  

6) My dad's many small sacrifices are ways of showing that he loves us. He barely ever buys things for himself. He flies planes for a commercial airline, and as part of the job, pilots are given a Per Diem stipend while on trips. Instead of using the money for food, he'll save it. When he is at home, he'll take so much time with us, teaching us how to change oil in the cars, work the embroidery machine, start up bank accounts, critiquing Stephen's violin playing, packing bikes, giving directions, etc... there really is no end to this list. There will be days when it's clear that he's exhausted, but he'll still take time to play cards with us or sit on the porch and enjoy a beer-- with those of us that are old enough :). 

7) My brothers joking with each other-- it's like watching a reality TV show. Really, all four of them have completely different interests and personalities. It's kinda like Big Brother meets The Partridge Family meets Friends meets MadTV. Yeah.

So here's to appreciating family, and me trying to do a better job of it. :)

  Family Picture taken many moons ago... 5 years ago(?)
(This was the summer I had purple highlights in my hair... don't ask.)

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